Wednesday, April 24, 2019

sports portfolio

Video 1

A-  The photographer of these photos are Alyssa Schukar
B- The portfolio is about different people and their different stores weather it is sad or amazing/
C- Some problems that the judges said are really telling the story and getting up close to what is really going on in the photo.  Another problem in the story is one person said there are not enough strong singles in the photos, also one judge said that they thought the whole piece was really dark and they would like to see something happier rather than something sad.
D-  One thing the judges liked was the guy in a photo cleaning up trash and they were saying that it was cool seeing all the different colors and how they all were put together and made the most sense story wise. Also another thing is one judge said they really enjoyed was the girl falling and being able to see her whole body in what she is doing.
E- I thought the portfolio was pretty good, it was not my favorite because one judge like they said it was kinda dark which I agree with because I like happier stuff and that was not very bright for me in my option. I liked some photos just not all of them for example I liked the baseball one and I did not like the bulimic one.

Video 2
A- Travis Haughton
B- This portfolio is about different story's like sports and photojournalism as well.
C- One judge said something that they did not like is the back of the head to the camera because it is very off putting. In a couple other photos there are some heads not showing that probably would've been great to get as a shot and the photo would be even better. Another thing someone said was really telling the story with the photo without explaining it. Another thing is not having as much kids in these photos and having more of a variety, also not having the photos so tight making them a little more looser. Also having the photos being more clear and not having the photo have words of to where it is but explaining it based on the photo itself.
D- One thing that some judges did like was this photo with a guy that is a food person at the circus and has cotton candy on his head and they said there is something that is weird about the photo but they liked it because it was unique. Another one they liked was the girl doing gymnastics because there are a lot of levels in this photo with is clear to see and the girl is very clear to what she is doing.
E- I actually really like this portfolio because it gave me a difference in photos not just the same thing over and over again. Also I really liked the girl looking at the snake the only thing that I would do to fix that is make sure you can see the head of the snake. One photo I did not like as much is the one with the girl in the church it was not really clear to me what was going on and that I could not see her face in the photo either.

Video 3
A- Anthony Souffle
B- This portfolio is kinda about winning and loosing it is kinda dark but some are really happy, there are also some sports in these and just some photo journalism photos too.
C- In these photos there were not a lot of things needed fixing as the judges did not say much but some things that they did not like as much is making sure the photos are clear and are not to crowded in what is going on. Also another thing they said was in one photo was the pelican one making sure to see the fish net line, they said this in like 2 photos to see the fish net line. one last thing is making sure the brightness it not so light that it takes away from the photo because of the sun or something else.
D- One photo the judges really liked was this guy and this pelican the guy had a fish tin his hand and the pelican was flapping its wings for the fish and it was really funny they said. Also another photo they liked was the under water one they said it was very interesting and to catch it them jumping in with all the bubbles was very cool.
E- I really liked this portfolio but at the same time I didn't because some things were really sad and I think some things should be happy which some were. For example I really liked the pelican photo because it was very clear to what was happening and also the person taking the photo caught it at the right time at the best time. One photo that I did not like was when they were when the doctors where getting out the fish net line in the office it was kinda not clear and very busy of what was going on do I really wanted to see the fish net line and it was not very clear to me in that photo.

Video 4
A- Melissa Golden
B- this portfolio was about old people mostly and there life and some ladys getting dressed up and some others of sports.
C- One thing the judges said in this photo was this kids foot got cut off and the photo that was presented did not really show that because they said it was out of focus and the kid was moving and it was not clear to put together of what happened, also they said there is a problem because this happened three days before so it was not very impactful in the photo because there was no big surprise to it. They also said in one photo there was a lot going on with a bunch of toys and the moms head was cropped out and could not tell what was going on.
D- One photo that the judges really liked was the guy with his tubes and he was very close up and they said you can clearly see his eyes and what he is feeling in the photo and it is very diverse and cool to take form the side instead of the front. One thing they said they would fix is not have the blur on the right side of the face and have it be the whole thing. They really liked the ladys one with them getting their hair done because it was funny because old ladys are getting there hair done.
E- I liked this portfolio I thought it was very creative in what different angles to use and filters to make them seem more exaggerated in a different way that I saw. One photo that I really liked was the baseball kid sliding in to get to home base because they caught the photo at the perfect amount of time and it was very clear what was happening in the photo. One photo that I did not like was the person on a power line or the power lines n the photo, I was very confused to what was going on in the photo and I had a hard time looking at it to figure out what it was.

Dustin Snipes Portfolio
A- Some strengths in these photos that the judges saw are very clear, they have different levels, also in the photos some are everybody doing something in the photo.
B- Some strengths that I saw in these photos was the lighting was really good but also catching the photo at the perfect time and having it be still in the air or the ball in the air, just having it be there at the right time to take a photo. Some weaknesses I saw were some photos like swim photos were not very clear and I had feel there was a little to much photo shop in the photos and was hard to look at. Also some photos were blurry in some parts but clear in some other parts of just one photo so making sure it is all clear. Over all I really enjoyed this portfolio.

Contest Recap
A- When picking a winner the judges they had to take everything into account and making sure the lighting is good, they start to narrow them down and making sure it is as close to looking perfect as possible. They are making sure the photo deserves to win and the portfolio has all good photos not just one good photo.

Part 2

1. I agree with the judges that the first image of the first video(with a red car) was not dynamic because there was nothing aesthetically wonderful about it but had good elements in it like leading lines and framing. I liked the red color because it gave the image a pop of color.

2. I disagree with the judges on the photo of the girl in the mini swimming pool in the student work category. While the judges think it is worthless, I think it symbolizes something. If the girl is in the pool outside of the pool, it shows that the photographer wants to symbolize something else. Since the judges think the photo is pointless, I had to disagree because the photo is very cool and secluded.

Monday, April 22, 2019

car raid

1. Emerson Taylor
2. some time during the week
3.- what is the most important thing in your car? why?
 - what must you have in your car to go on the road
 - do you feel safe in your car? describe it?
- why do you drive this specific car?
- what do you have in your car, in the clove box, or anything else?
-what kind of music do you listen to in your car? why?
4. I expect to get the basics of the car but also to find out more secret things in the car, im interviewing a dancer so to see what she has in her car is going to interesting of what I find.

Friday, April 5, 2019


1. You can look it up on google or google earth of where it is.
2. A app of a phone thatch help find this place is google maps.
3. The background of the photo cannot be very clear and foreground can be very close together.
4. One thing that you can us is SLR, Lightroom 6 or ND grad filter.
5. You should carry water proof bag, cleaning cloths, and a microfiber towel.
6. Pre-scouting helps because it helps allow you to see the difference of things in the background and foreground.
7. Subject is more important because nature does not always follow the rules of composition and is not very clear.
8. Pick the main focal point of a photo and then other things to it one by one at a time.
9. It is really hard to get a photo when there is a heavy cloud sky day, and this helps make the photo more clear when seeing the water ad the heavy clouds, it is more clear.
10. It takes less time to research where that place is because you have already been there.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Merger photo Preview

1.The only problem I see is the person who is taking the photo is the one in the photo so they will have to time it.
2. I think a great place would be the lines of lockers, pretty much anything that is plain and is visible to see the person in the photo.
3. I think it would be cool to do different poses in the photo something different every time, or do something jumping as well.
4. Wear something that makes you pop of color or an accent that is really clear to see and makes you stand out.