Monday, December 17, 2018

Finals review

Finals review


Rhona was running a race for who can be the skinniest and be the fastest at it. She crossed the finish line but when she got there every one was gone.

Dave getting on a plane for Christmas to see family. He then realizes that he has no family and is lonely.

these little girls learning how to be proper and become a princess. They realize in their hearts they already were.

rule of thirds-The rule of thirds is a "rule of thumb" or guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as designs, films, paintings, and photographs
balancing elements-Balance is a compositional technique in photographythat juxtaposes images within a frame so that the objects are of equal visual weight. 
leading lines-lines that lead to the eye of the subject in the photo.
symmetry and patterns-both sides of the object are the same
viewpoint-the angle from the persons eye view
background-the background is clear and brings more focus.
create depth-creates more focus on the photo.
framing-something in the picture frames the subject.
cropping-the photo is a certain size you want it.
mergers and avoiding them-on object that takes away from the subject.

Aperture- aperture is the unit of measurement that defines the size of the opening in the lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the film or digital sensor. 
Shutter speed- The unit of measurement which determines how long shutter remains open as the picture is taken.
ISO-  ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.

4. Things that are acceptable is changing the photo completely and what the person looks like make it look not like them. Things that they can change are just the little things like covering up something little or fixing the quality of the photo. 

5. portraits
environmental- showing what the subject does and the use of environment they are in.
self portrait- a portrait taking the photographer itself.  
casual- someone dong something that they did not suspect a photo being taken. 

6. photographic terms 
Exposure-amount of light per unit square how much light in the photo.
Depth of field-The distance the subject is within and where the objects in the photo become sharp.
Focus Length-depends on what kind of lends your camera has.

7. Magazine
Married to type- 
forest of words-

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