Monday, February 25, 2019

Architecture preview 1

Cubic houses, Netherlands

1. The architecture in Piet Blom
2. This was built in 1977
3. this is located in Overblaak 70, 3011 MH Rotterdam, Netherlands.
4. This is a place you can visit
5. There is not information on how much it was.
6. The main purpose of these houses are based on the concept of "living as an urban roof": high density housing with sufficient space on the ground level, since its main purpose is to optimise the space inside.
7. I picked this building because it seemed interesting and the houses were upside down and its not something you see every day and I think that it really good. Also it has a really good message for the urban environment. I also think its cool because people can go and visit and look and experience that kind of thing that it something you don't do every day in your life. One more thing is that I thought they were so cute and once I started to read more about them and their message I started to g3et more intrigued. 

National Centre for the performing Arts, China
Image result for when was National Centre for the Performing Arts, China built1. The architecture is Paul Andreu
2. This was built in December 2001
3. This is located 2 W Chang'an Ave, Xicheng Qu, China, 100031
4. you can visit here
5. This costs 300 million dollars
6. This was built because people call it the giant egg because its shaped like that, But it is an arts centre containing an opera house in Beijing, People's Republic of China. 
7. I chose this because I thought it was cool and had some was very interesting from the outside. The lights on the museum were really unique and thats a thing that you don't see as a museum you just see a building and plus this is on the water so its extra cool and makes it stand out more than all the other museums. 

Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland
Image result for Krzywy Domek1. the person who built this was Szotyńscy & Zaleski. 
2. This was built in 2004
3. This is located in Bohaterów Monte Cassino 53, 81-767 Sopot, Poland.
4. This is a place you can visit.
5. no information on how much it was.
6. This place is in the middle of a mall and in the evening the Krzywy Domek is vibrant with life, as well. Its clubs and pubs provide extensive programmes of events and their top quality and diverse catering will satisfy all tastes – both sophisticated and traditional ones.
7. I chose this place because it is a little weird but in a good way. I think this gives people a way of looking at something different and that is cool to look at. 

Guggenheim Museum, Spain
Image result for Guggenheim Museum, Spain1. Frank Gehry
2. was built in 1977
3.  Abandoibarra Etorb., 2, 48009 Bilbo, Bizkaia, Spain
4. This is a place you can visit.
5. 182 million dollars
6.  This museum The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a museum of modern and contemporary art designed by Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry, and located in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
7. I chose this photo because I think this is really cool and really caught my eye of what it was. It looked really shiny and kinda of silly in a way that I liked. Like people can just go in here and it has so many twists and turns and angles that it gives you a headache sometimes. But overall I really liked this and once I started learning more about it I started to like it more. 

Habitat 67, Canada

Image result for habitat 67 canada1. This was built by Moshe Safdie
2. This was built in 1967
3. This is located in 2600 Av Pierre-Dupuy, Montréal, QC H3C 3R6, Canada
4. This is a place you can visit 
5. cost $22,195,920, or about $140,000 per living unit.
6. Habitat 67 has the stature of a historical landmark. Extravagant by its minimalism, its modernity and overall aesthetics, Habitat 67 is praised around the world. Emblematic, this building is a dominant element in the Montreal landscape, and seeks to reconcile quality of life and urban environment by rethinking living spaces.
7. I think this photo was my favorite because it was really quirky and its not like perfect little place to live but is amazing to live in and is super cool. this photo and houses are so out of the box and I could never imagine my self thinking of something like this and think of a way to make them all stick out of the building and make it stable. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

sensory Overload

1. I think this statement says it doesn't matter what things are but where they come from and how much work was put into it. The community people live in is not all the same but they work just as hard to just earn so little so we need to realize what our enviroment is and that we are all one big community and treat everyone the same way.

2. Yes I did I thought the place was super cool and I would like to know how hard theses people work and what they have to work in. Its so fun to be around that kind of stuff because it is so colorful and looks so fun to do some cool pictures in it.

3. In my opinion I think as a kid I would think it would be cool because I could be around all those toys and its so colorful that I would love it, but I would also want some place to bigger and some place that we can actually get lots of work and a better environment but I know we all live in a different enviroment.

4. I really liked the flower shop and the bouncy ball shop because one the flowers there are so many different kinds and they are so pretty to see and they all smell so different in their own way. Also I really liked the bouncy ball one because it looked fun to me in as a kid I would want to play with them and see all the designs in them and just bounce them all the time.

Litmag shoot

1. Childhood Memory

2. Photo of Red

3. Photo of a lamp

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Monday, February 11, 2019

sports assignment for motion

link to my google slides--