Wednesday, February 20, 2019

sensory Overload

1. I think this statement says it doesn't matter what things are but where they come from and how much work was put into it. The community people live in is not all the same but they work just as hard to just earn so little so we need to realize what our enviroment is and that we are all one big community and treat everyone the same way.

2. Yes I did I thought the place was super cool and I would like to know how hard theses people work and what they have to work in. Its so fun to be around that kind of stuff because it is so colorful and looks so fun to do some cool pictures in it.

3. In my opinion I think as a kid I would think it would be cool because I could be around all those toys and its so colorful that I would love it, but I would also want some place to bigger and some place that we can actually get lots of work and a better environment but I know we all live in a different enviroment.

4. I really liked the flower shop and the bouncy ball shop because one the flowers there are so many different kinds and they are so pretty to see and they all smell so different in their own way. Also I really liked the bouncy ball one because it looked fun to me in as a kid I would want to play with them and see all the designs in them and just bounce them all the time.

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