Monday, March 25, 2019


Friday, March 15, 2019

final Exam Preview

1. I have done youtube videos before with some friends and I have experience of filming on a camera and doing videos on a phone on certain types of apps.

2. I think it will be a lot of fun and I think it will be a challenge figuring everything but Im up for it. 

3. I feel like I could do this over vacation of a day for me, or a day of learning a dance, or a soccer game.

4. I can take images of me doing something or having me have few moments of me looking at the camera or posing for the camera.

5. I would have an overlay of what im doing during the day and explain what im doing. Or I would put music in the back ground. 

SLO Practice

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. C

A famous educated Mayra in Spain and her husband, They go to Canada, They are walking down to the red carpet On may 8th, 2016.  People are con graduating her on her achievements with schooling of young women.

found objects and graffiti


Found objects

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

opinion Essay, Academic Purposes

Academic Purposes Campbell Hardy

At Bowie High School and in any other school, grades are very important even though you may not think it, it is. Kids everyday take test,quizzes,homework assignments, and projects these things can be like half of your grade and could cost you of failing if you don't get a good grade. Personally i think it's really hard if some kids get good grades and some don't and they are bragging and telling of what they got and comparing themselves based on good grades or not.
In my opinion, I think we should have a policy if you share your grades with others. Other than people you were working on a project together should not share their grades with others if it was good or bad in school.
It is really hard on students if they have to deal with others feeling power over them if they get a better grade. I feel like this should be installed because i have felt this way before and comparing myself to others even though we have a different teacher, and are different academic wise.
As we see, i get that some kids get super excited about getting a good grade and want to tell someone just to tell it, but it should not be for the reason to rub it in someone else's face. It should be to show your parents and have an accomplishment of your life that your proud of yourself besides how many people know or see what you have got or done.
Another thing is that some kids want to go to harvard and go and do other things and achieve so many things in life, but you have to remember to be a kind person. Being a good friend and person is more important than any grade you ever get.
I feel like for me i get pretty good grades in school and i feel good about them and once in awhile i will say what i got on a test and be proud of myself but i never try to brag about everything i get. In our school everyone is so competitive in academic wise,sports, how much money you have and it should be contained.
Researchers say more than half of school are competitive with each other, especially our school. I get that kids have to be competitive with others and they want to win, but when they rub in their face should not be prohibited.
I think this should come to an end and not have kids bragging about what they got on a grade, having kind people at school and having it be less competitive in a lot of things.

Personal Essay

1. Something that I can use for my essay is, my topic is strong and passionate about what I'm writing about. Also having the people reading this feel something and know what im feeling about this, and also understand where im coming from.

2. One thing to have in my essay is to support my topic and what the sactives are to my topic.

3. Some things that will help me in my essay are to 

-watch my construction. If every sentence begins “I”, I need to rephrase to provide a better rhythm and pace to what im writing. 

-No extra points for the number of facts you include. Academic essays contain more facts than opinion, personal essays contain more opinion than facts. But ensure the facts you use are accurate.

-. If you’re writing about a global theme (poverty, unemployment, child abuse) bring the subject closer to home by relating it to specific, individual examples.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Nut Graf

A nut graph is a paragraph that explains the context of the story. The term is also spelled as nut graf, nut 'graph, nutgraph, nutgraf. It is a contraction of the expression nutshell paragraph. In most news stories, the essential facts of a story are included in the lede, the first sentence or two of the story. Good leades try to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how as quickly as possible. The nut graf, which often will start in the third, fourth, or fifth paragraph, will explain any additional context for why the story is important. 
Nut grafs are sometimes not all 5ws are included in your news leads, or what you write might not explain the importance of the story, so you need a nut Graf to explain it in, well, a nut shell.
Nut grafs can be longer than one paragraph. Not all stories need nut grafs but it is frequently required or suggested in featured stories that don't definitive when, where, who, or why.

Monday, March 4, 2019

student of the month story

who- Isabella Reyes
what- Student of the month 
when- March 4th, 2019
where- Bowie High School 
why- She had good grades and works really hard, and she is caring, kind to everyone around her and try her best in everything she does. 
how- She works really hard and does extra things to bring up her academics, teachers say she loves and works with anyone she is given to, she is kind, sweet, funny, and caring. She sets goals for her self by trying her best in school.

 on March 4th, 2019, Isabella Reyes got student of the month at Bowie High school.  Isabella got this award because she works extremely hard in school, does everything she is told, is a great role model to others, and is an amazing friend to all.  She has really good grades and is very academic and she try her best in everything she does. Isabella does extra things in and outside of school, teachers say she is a joy in class and works with anyone she is given to, she is kind, sweet, and funny, over a great friend. Isabella sets goals for her self and continues to do so and thrive for the best things there are in life.

Freshman Isabella Reyes was chosen as the student of the month by counselor Mrs. Loza and school board.

"we decided to go with Reyes because she is a good working kid and she always to kind to everyone and does anything she is told too and does it with pleasure," counselor Mrs Loza said.

Reyes says that she was chosen for student of the month because she puts hard work in so many things she does and is great at balancing her school work and social life.

" I have really good grades, and I can balancing my school work and my friends and family, and that I do extra activities that I do and I think a lot of that has to do why I was chosen", Reyes said.

Reyes her parents are a big part of her life, they are very proud of all her hard work she does.

"We are so proud of Isabella and how much work she does and being a great friend at the same time. We teach our kids that school is important and that getting good grades should be wanted, but being a good friend and person is something that your going to need all your life." said Mrs and Mr. Reyes

Reyes was worried of getting this award and other students getting jealous and what there say so in this is, she says that students do get a say so in who is chosen and how they are chosen based on what school stuff they do and what kind of person they are.

"The student of the month is chosen by involvement of the school, like clubs and activities, also grades and how much my teachers think of me and what other students think about me too. Also being a good friend and person has something to do with this to, and not just focusing on my self and caring about yours, so being a good person is a big deal with that and our academics," Reyes said.

Reyes plans to attend college and keep doing what she's doing.

" I plan to go to college and get a degree and get a job and start working and keep up the hard work of what I'm doing", Reyes said.

The next Student of the Month will be announced in the beginning of April.

inverted pyramid

Image result for inverted pyramid

my first Interview

1.  why do you think you were chosen as the student of the month?
Isabella says, she has really good grades, and that she is balancing her school work and her friends and extra activities works for her and some of that is why she is chosen the student of the month.

2. how do you think the student of the month is chosen?
Isabella says the student of the month is chosen by, Involvement of the school, like clubs and activities, grades and how your teachers think of you and what they say about you. Also being a good friend and not just focusing on your self and caring about other people, so being a good person is a huge part of that.

3. do the students get a say who the student of the month is?
Yes, because they want someone that deserves it and leads and has worked hard and has good involvement in the school, and is a good person and is kind, caring to everyone around them and treats everyone fairly and how they want to be treated and how she would want to be treated.

4. why is there a student of the month?
It recognizes students hard work and leadership skills a and lead and not goof off in school.

5. Do you think this hurts others who don't get picked and decrease their confidence?
No, it will make students work harder in school, and set goals and reach them and we will have kids have better grades in school because of this.

6. Do think this helps students work harder to get student of the month?
Yes, because they want to get that award and be recognized by teachers and peers.

7. How do your parents think or feel about this?
Very proud of me and it gives me self confidence that my parents believe in me.

8. Can you be a student of the month more than once?
You could but it is probably better to give other students the opportunity and recognition.

9. Do you think some students have gotten this award and not wanted it?
Yes and no, because some kids probably goof around and get good grades and are a good student but blow it off about this award and don't really care about it.

10. Do you think this is a healthy for the students?
Yes, because it makes students realize what kind of award this is and makes them work harder in school and this will benefit the school in how academic we are.

11. Do you think other school should do this?
Yes, because it benefits the school and the students in grades.

12.  Do you think other schools already have this award or enough schools have it?
I don't think enough schools have it because many kids slack and not get upset when they try really hard but don't get the award and are pressured to do so good and don't do well under pressure.

13. Do you think being a athlete is helping by choosing a student or is just on education and grades?
I think it's based on if your a athlete and your getting good grades that shows really well and can get the award over people that just have good grades but don't do any sports or an athlete that does not have good grades but is an athlete.

14. What is your favorite class that you work the hardest in and why?
World geography, it comes easy to me and i like learning about cultures and the world.

15. What is your least favorite class and why?
Algebra because i'm not good at it and it is my weakest subject so it does not come easy to me and i get off track a lot when i'm learning.

16. Are you apart of any clubs or extra sports in school or outside of school?
Dance, i like dance because it's super fun and express myself and it is fun to be with all my friends and getting to learn together and improve together.

17. What do you think is factoring that made student of the month happen?
School board and teachers to accept this and talking about you and it getting it around to students and students having a say in this.

18. What is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject in biology, i enjoy doing labs and what we learn interests me and we don't usually learn about that so i think it's cool to learn about the body and other things.

19. What is your least favorite subject?
algebra , because i don't enjoy word problems, and getting tests, are hard and it's hard to focus.

20. do you think you earned to be student of the month and why?
Yes, because i shows all my hard work and time dedicated to school ad makes me feel good about myself and improving by recognition and doing my best.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Assignment #2 Student of the month

1.Three people that I would interview would be...
- The person that got student of the month
-The school board who chose the student
-The teachers of the student
-The peers

2. Questions

1.  why do you think you were chosen as the student of the month?
2. how do you think the student of the month is chosen?
3. do the students get a say who the student of the month is?
4. why is there a student of the month?
5. Do you think this hurts others who don't get picked and decrease their confidence?
6. Do think this helps students work harder to get student of the month?
7. How do you parents think or feel about this?
8. Can you be a student of the month more than once?
9. Do you think some students have gotten this award and not wanted it?
10. Do you think this is a healthy for the students?
11. Do you think other school should do this?
12.  Do you think other schools already have this award or is enough schools?
13. Do you think being a athlete is helping by choosing a student or is just on education and grades?
14. What is your favorite class that you work the hardest in and why?
15. What is your least favorite class and why?
16. Are you apart of any clubs or extra sports in school or outside of school?
17. What do you think is factoring that made student of the month happen?
18. What is your favorite class?
19. What is your least favorite class?
20. do you think you earned to be student of the month and why?

assignment #1 School uniforms

1. # people that I would interview is...
-The school board

2. Questions

1. Why did you start using school uniforms?
2. how do you feel about this requirement?
3. does having a dress code on what you wear have a help or a drawback on your learning environment?
4. How was this decided by the people, students, parents, or school board?
5. what is your plan if people start to break the rules and try to overthrow the dress code?
6. Do you think having a dress code is necessary?
7. What was the process of having a dress code?
8. why is having a dress code hard, and difficult?
9.  do you think the dress code violates your rights? why or why not?
10. how does the dress code impact you or your peers?
11. would it be weird t have the same outfit on as your peer why or why not?
12. What would the students wear as their uniform?
13. In your opinion, what is biggest reason for having a dress code?
14. what is the best thing about the dress code?
15. what is the worst thing about the dress code/
16. what success has the dress code achieved/ not achieved on the dress code so far?
17. when was the dress code applied?
18. what in one word would describe the rest code in your opinion?
19. what was the reaction of everyone of having a dress code?
20. how does this impact you in your home life and regular life?

Architecture shoot

Details photo

Light photo

Pattern photo

Shapes and angles

Surrounding photo