Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Personal Essay

1. Something that I can use for my essay is, my topic is strong and passionate about what I'm writing about. Also having the people reading this feel something and know what im feeling about this, and also understand where im coming from.

2. One thing to have in my essay is to support my topic and what the sactives are to my topic.

3. Some things that will help me in my essay are to 

-watch my construction. If every sentence begins “I”, I need to rephrase to provide a better rhythm and pace to what im writing. 

-No extra points for the number of facts you include. Academic essays contain more facts than opinion, personal essays contain more opinion than facts. But ensure the facts you use are accurate.

-. If you’re writing about a global theme (poverty, unemployment, child abuse) bring the subject closer to home by relating it to specific, individual examples.

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