Wednesday, March 13, 2019

opinion Essay, Academic Purposes

Academic Purposes Campbell Hardy

At Bowie High School and in any other school, grades are very important even though you may not think it, it is. Kids everyday take test,quizzes,homework assignments, and projects these things can be like half of your grade and could cost you of failing if you don't get a good grade. Personally i think it's really hard if some kids get good grades and some don't and they are bragging and telling of what they got and comparing themselves based on good grades or not.
In my opinion, I think we should have a policy if you share your grades with others. Other than people you were working on a project together should not share their grades with others if it was good or bad in school.
It is really hard on students if they have to deal with others feeling power over them if they get a better grade. I feel like this should be installed because i have felt this way before and comparing myself to others even though we have a different teacher, and are different academic wise.
As we see, i get that some kids get super excited about getting a good grade and want to tell someone just to tell it, but it should not be for the reason to rub it in someone else's face. It should be to show your parents and have an accomplishment of your life that your proud of yourself besides how many people know or see what you have got or done.
Another thing is that some kids want to go to harvard and go and do other things and achieve so many things in life, but you have to remember to be a kind person. Being a good friend and person is more important than any grade you ever get.
I feel like for me i get pretty good grades in school and i feel good about them and once in awhile i will say what i got on a test and be proud of myself but i never try to brag about everything i get. In our school everyone is so competitive in academic wise,sports, how much money you have and it should be contained.
Researchers say more than half of school are competitive with each other, especially our school. I get that kids have to be competitive with others and they want to win, but when they rub in their face should not be prohibited.
I think this should come to an end and not have kids bragging about what they got on a grade, having kind people at school and having it be less competitive in a lot of things.

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