Wednesday, October 31, 2018

American Soldier

A. the most powerful image I think was this one because this is showing them practicing for war and how they adapt to explosions and what they would do. This I think is powerful because a lot of people die in war because of explosions and I think its horrible and we need to stand behind those people in war and help them with food and supplies so they can focus on training for war.

B.The images work together by telling a story of what a soldier goes through in war. Like missing their family and can't talk, but only with notes and training with explosions and figuring out how to survive them. Also how much way they travel to get to war and then fighting. They must get tired and need food also and supplies on the way and thats hard to carry.

C.The captions are kinda showing what they are going to talk about. Also all the pictures are in order and show the preparing to go to war, saying goodbye, meeting new people, starting to train, walking for days, starting to fight. All those things are like the captions because they are showing the picture and the caption and makes so many more details to the story including the caption, photo, and writing.
D. The story of Ian Fisher is he first signed up for way to serve his country and help the people and fight for his country. The army changed Ians life forever he was risking his life to fight for other people and the country. He had to say goodbye to everyone he loved just in case he would not survive  the war and it was hard for him t do that at age 17 he joined the war. He then graduated school with a diploma and if he didn't have his diploma he would not have been able to join the army. He then said goodbye to his family and friends by having 2 parties one with his family with ice cream and cake and the other with his friends and girlfriend and they had beer and it was like a regular teenage party(crazy). He then took an oath of enlistment and they he serves all his duty to the army and no going back and helping hid country. He then was at camp and the sergeant was very stern with them though he had to be. The 200 recruiting people are given 2 minutes to sort through pile of duffel bags to find their own. They repeated this for the next hour until everyone found their bag. Fisher was really overwhelmed with this and we hurt his elbow and it hurt really bad but he had to go through it to go to base training. One guy Fishers bunkmate was getting them in trouble at base camp so they ad a talk with him and Fisher was being super nice to him even though he didn't care about Fisher. The first time Fisher held a weapon he was very excited and made pretend of making fire sounds. They training and learning how to fight in war. They practiced with explosions and how to survive them and what to do. The sergeant took an interest in Fisher and was tease him sometimes and encourage him while they were walking and getting tired. A long time has past and they are tired and Fisher is praying that god takes this stuff off his back. After this they are done with training camp and are getting a ceremony for completing it and are ready to start fighting in the war. They end up having a practice war to make sure their ready to fight and that they are not going to hurt themselves and they are ready. They also had to do a 10 mile walk with carrying a 65 pounds on their back. After training for a while he goes home to his girlfriend and he wants to marry her so they pick out a engagement ring. At his base camp and he has been starting to fight he has been injured a lot so he hasn't been able to fight as much as he wants to. He ends up going home and breaks up with his girlfriend and starts taking medication to so many injuries he has had and his dad is concerned. Fishers base is so close to home so he comes home every weekend but his dad says he should just stay there for a while and needs to get away from home and focus on the war. Fisher got in trouble for not reporting to his base back in time in last march so he was punished and he can't fight right know. Fisher is sometimes at home with his friends and family and them at one point at the army and he doesn't feel like he fits in either way and is trying to decide what he wants. After this he goes into many fights and then goes home years later with his fiane Deven and they got their marriage license and got married hours later.

E. The pictures are in present tense because they are all happening now.

F.Break down the captions
1.There are about 2 sentences as a average maybe once there are about 3 in some captions.
2.They provide what is happening in the photo and what time it was about or summarize of what the story of that caption is about.
3.The 2 sentence provides background information in the photo.
4.Some of them do have third ones and they are usually quotes.
5.Yes some of them do with 3 sentences.
6.Only the top of the article has one.

G. It is like a little summary and you can make a story with just looking at pictures and having the captions with them is even better because it helps with telling a story.
H. The photos and captions show a story of its own and helps a lot without the story being told with a long paragraph.

Monday, October 29, 2018

ethics in fashion photography

 video 1. Some things that were fixed in photoshop was her neck was made longer, and thinner, also her ears were adjusted, her eyes became bigger and her eyebrows narrower. Her hair was also moved, her shoulders were also adjusted by moving them down. And also her lips were made bigger.

Video 2
2.In the video her skin tone was adjusted to be lighter, also her eyes to be bigger and eyebrows narrower, shoulders adjusted, her butt adjusted to make it not look so big, her hair adjusted, legs were made longer, boobs make smaller, neck longer, adjusted nose and lips, made stomach smaller, feet were made smaller. made pupils in eyes brighter . made her legs skinner. took out the wrinkles in the feet of the model on the bottom of the feet.

video 3
3.The model The stomach area was made smaller, chest was made bigger, skin tone was changed, fat taken off the whole body, her body looked orange, the bikini was pepperoni, the colors were not the same as after or before, she ended up being a pizza.

4. No, I don't think this is acceptable because your pretty much telling a person changing a person to how you want them to look not the way they look right know.
5.The only thing that would be ok is if the person in the photo says its ok to photo shop their body.
6.some changes that are ok are the skin tone and making someone look a little thinner, but things that are not ok changing a person who is really heavy to make them look super skinner because thats not who they are.
7. I think fashion photography is more focused on the people and how they look in the photo not on who they are and whats around the photo. I think photojournalism is more focused on the photo and that there is not much photoshop.
8.Each type of photography all want the best photo as can be before editing in photoshop, this affects it by that other photos are used more in photoshop than others.
9.I think you are showing this to us because you don't want us to go over board with photoshop and make something natural and not fake.
10.Guys aren't in it because they aren't worried about there body image they are only worried about sports, on the other hand girls are they only care about how they look and who is the skinniest.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Funny captions

beatrice was waiting in line for black Friday. she looked so excited she had to go to the out of control area.

grayed haired Joe has been drinking coffee for three days and is unable to keep his eyes closed.
this is due to the fact because his wife and kids left him for a better life in America.

billy was eating so much at the bus station he fell asleep from eating so much. his teeth started falling out from all the sugar in his mouth.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Composition II

rule of thirds

balancing elements

leading lines
symmetry and patterns

view point



avoid mergers

prompt shoot #2

Prompt shoot 2






Monday, October 15, 2018

Mural Project Preview

1.some ideas that I have for our project are the
-The city of Austin/common places in Austin,Texas
-animals around Austin like bats, the zoo, nature animals in the wild, pet animals
-shapes around the world and how people look at things from a different angle

2.when I'm shooting things that I would think about are the aperture and the ISO to make sure the lighting is not weird and is natural, also the shutter speed to make sure if something is moving it is stopped by shutter speed or something that you want to be moving then low shutter speed.

3. Something I have heard before is an app on your phone and creating one. On you computers you can make a website, also on a kindle you can make something on their I think to make an app for even a website.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Top-100 photos

1. I chose this photo because I think it shows what the past was before we were here in the Great Depression. What caught my eye was the children in the back hiding behind the mother In the photo, they had very little food to survive.
2.I read about about these people lived and that this lady was called the Migrant Mother also her real name Florence Owens Thompson and she would sell her tires on her guy in trade for food for her kids. The kids would also learn how to hunt and shoot down birds to eat. Also the farms crops froze and there was no jobs for the homeless pickers.
3.I learned that there father died from tuberculosis and the mother and children were forced off their land and had no protection no one. A couple years later she was found in California in a trailer park she was 75 years old.
4. The second photo.
5.Dorothea Lange was a photographer who took portraits of people and what it was like in the Great Depression. A lot of her photos became really successful.

Name-Dorothea Lange
Birth-May 26,1895
Death-October 11,1965
Born- Hoboken, New Jersey
School- Columbia University

Photo 2

1.I chose this photo because you don't really know what's going on until you read the story. This caught my eyes by a little girl and a women falling in the air from a building.
2.What I read was there was a fire a there was no escape so the 19 year old  Diana Bryant, and her goddaughter Tiare Jones who was 2 years old. Diana fell first and ended up dying because she landed so hard on the ground but her goddaughter fell on the women and survived. they tried to not let the little girl see her godmother died. 
3.There was a rescue ladder coming up to help them get down but as some firefighter was getting on the ladder and coming up the fire escape collapsed and they fell 5 stories down. 
4.The second photo
5.Stanley Forman is a American former photojournalist who won the Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography two years in a row while working at the Boston Herald American. He took pictures of people in danger and things that are interesting to other people. 
Name-Stanley Forman 
Birth-July 10, 1945
Death-February 7, 2013
Born- Winthrop Massattues 

photo 3

1. I chose this photo because a lot of famous people are in this photo and they are somewhere they get awards. This caught my eye because I know a lot of these people are from movies and stuff. 
2. Ellen Dejenres hosted this and they all took a selfie and she then put it on twitter and it got 3 million hits and got really famous they used a Samsung phone and Samsung got a lot of recognition and started making a lot of money. 
3. Ellen was originally going to take a picture with the audience behind her or  a photo with Meryl Streep but ended up taking a photo with some celebrities there. 
4. I could not find a photo
5.Bradley Cooper is an actor he has been nominated in a lot of awards.
Name-Bradley Cooper 
Birth-January 5, 1975 
death-not died yet 
Born- Philadelphia Pennsylvania 
school- Honors English program at Georgetown University

photo 4

1.I chose this photo because back in the old days kids had to work they could not go out and play and do stuff and especially women were not allowed to do stuff but men were. This caught my eye because kids don't usually work in Factories but this little girl is. 
2.I read the photographer went to factories to see take pictures of children being forced to work. Lewis Hine the photographer was part of the National Child Labor Committee and he said he was a bible seller and then hid taking and writing about how children were forced to work. 
3.they take 8,000 women and girls from ages like 12-35 and make them work. A lot of women protested and joined the American labor movement and did strikes and protestes. 

5. Lewis Hine was an American sociologist and photographer. He used his camera as a tool for social reform. His photographs helped in changing child labor laws in the United States.
name-Lewis Hine
Birth-September 26, 1874
death-November 3, 1940
born-Oshkosh, Wyoming
school-New York University

photo 5
1.I picked this image because I think this shows a massage and it looked interesting and it showed something important to people in history and they protect our country. This caught my eye because they were in the middle of the street and one man is in front of them blocking them.
2.there was a massacre that day and many people died and the Chinese troops attacked some pro-democracy demonstrators camped on the plaza. a man also with shopping bags goes in front of a tank refusing to move.
3.after the man stood up on the tank and started waving to them but he ended not getting hit and was not shot.he did not care about dying but thought hid statement was more important to hear. 
5.Jeff Widener is a photojournalists and he does lots of pictures of tragic events happing in the world and try to capture it in his photos and tell the story and what it represents.
 name-Jeff Widener
birth-August 11th 1956
born-Long beach California
school- Pierce College and Moorpark College

Monday, October 1, 2018

Extra Credit

First Website
1.On the first website there are a munch of pictures wild animals in nature in Africa. Nick Brandt is a very good photographer he does most of his work inAfrica because he wants to show all the animals and places that have been destroyed by men and how they live with that.


3.This is my favorite photo that Nick Brandt has taken because this shows how the animals are being effected by men destroying their land and the nature and a giraffe is watching them hurt their land and how they live. I chose this because it made me have emotion and how good we live and that we don't think about the animals which kinda have feelings too.

4.A merger is in this photo because there is a lot going on in this photo,  also rule of thirds because the giraffe is the main vocal point and it is on the side of the photo so your focus goes there.

5. he uses a three fixed-length lenses: a 55mm, a 105mm, and a 200mm. This is important because it means that he can get close to the vocal point with out actually being close which means he can zoom in. 
6.The reason for him to take the photos are he wants to show how the animals live and show their features.
7. He hopes for theses photos are so people can see what living there is really like and the environment and really up close to the animals. 
8.“I photograph these animals - that specific elephant or cheetah or lion that has drawn my eye - in the same way I would a human being, watching for the right pose that pose fully will best capture his or her spirit. This means getting close. (Although frustratingly, I can't ask the animals to take a small step to the left, or lift their head a little.) This means getting close. It's one reason why I don't use telephoto lenses. I like to frame the animals within the context of their world - the sky and the landscape - rather than within a telephoto blur or scrubby ground or brushes. Other times, I'm searching for a panoramic view that I hope will convey some semblance of the rare synchronized spectacle of animals, landscape and light that can unfold, if one is very fortunate and patient.”Nick Brandt
This quote is telling what their spirit is in the anima and getting close to it to see those features and really know what the animal is feeling and what it is doing and how it lives.

2nd website 
9.Nicks focal point of his photos are what was before where the animals lived but know their homes are being destroyed. 
10. His process how he does with his photos are he first sleets unpublished photos from this time period, he then sends then to California, then shipped to Kenya, then he constructed them into steel and a plywood frame and he then positioned them the way he wanted them too. 
11.The effect that his work has on other people are that the places animals live are dumps because of them because they once were beautiful but they were destroyed. 
12.these photos made me feel sad because they were once in trash and rubbish but then they turn into railroads and know they are dying because they don't have anywhere to live. 

Abandoned Theme Parks 
OKPO LAND, OKPO CITY, GEOJE ISLAND SOUTH KOREA.  because it one looks the most safest but it is also a theme park that has been abandoned and is also kinda scary but not as scary as the other ones. I also thing this place has many different things for different people like babies, kids, teens,adults, and even old people. Also there was a duck ride you would thing would be safe but ended killing 2 young girls. 

5. Wonderland (China)


5. I think it would be cool to shoot here because it looks a little bit creepy and I think there would be some cool places to shoot at and really show how it was abandoned. 

6. I feel like it I would need to bring food and snacks all my camera equipment and bring a safety belt and a harness because if I wanted to get a picture of a roller coaster up high or something else from above. Also I would bring closed toed shoes because if you step on something sharp you don't want to hurt your self and appropriate clothing. Also I would need to ask someone who owns the pale if I can go and shoot there and not trespass.