Friday, October 12, 2018

Top-100 photos

1. I chose this photo because I think it shows what the past was before we were here in the Great Depression. What caught my eye was the children in the back hiding behind the mother In the photo, they had very little food to survive.
2.I read about about these people lived and that this lady was called the Migrant Mother also her real name Florence Owens Thompson and she would sell her tires on her guy in trade for food for her kids. The kids would also learn how to hunt and shoot down birds to eat. Also the farms crops froze and there was no jobs for the homeless pickers.
3.I learned that there father died from tuberculosis and the mother and children were forced off their land and had no protection no one. A couple years later she was found in California in a trailer park she was 75 years old.
4. The second photo.
5.Dorothea Lange was a photographer who took portraits of people and what it was like in the Great Depression. A lot of her photos became really successful.

Name-Dorothea Lange
Birth-May 26,1895
Death-October 11,1965
Born- Hoboken, New Jersey
School- Columbia University

Photo 2

1.I chose this photo because you don't really know what's going on until you read the story. This caught my eyes by a little girl and a women falling in the air from a building.
2.What I read was there was a fire a there was no escape so the 19 year old  Diana Bryant, and her goddaughter Tiare Jones who was 2 years old. Diana fell first and ended up dying because she landed so hard on the ground but her goddaughter fell on the women and survived. they tried to not let the little girl see her godmother died. 
3.There was a rescue ladder coming up to help them get down but as some firefighter was getting on the ladder and coming up the fire escape collapsed and they fell 5 stories down. 
4.The second photo
5.Stanley Forman is a American former photojournalist who won the Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography two years in a row while working at the Boston Herald American. He took pictures of people in danger and things that are interesting to other people. 
Name-Stanley Forman 
Birth-July 10, 1945
Death-February 7, 2013
Born- Winthrop Massattues 

photo 3

1. I chose this photo because a lot of famous people are in this photo and they are somewhere they get awards. This caught my eye because I know a lot of these people are from movies and stuff. 
2. Ellen Dejenres hosted this and they all took a selfie and she then put it on twitter and it got 3 million hits and got really famous they used a Samsung phone and Samsung got a lot of recognition and started making a lot of money. 
3. Ellen was originally going to take a picture with the audience behind her or  a photo with Meryl Streep but ended up taking a photo with some celebrities there. 
4. I could not find a photo
5.Bradley Cooper is an actor he has been nominated in a lot of awards.
Name-Bradley Cooper 
Birth-January 5, 1975 
death-not died yet 
Born- Philadelphia Pennsylvania 
school- Honors English program at Georgetown University

photo 4

1.I chose this photo because back in the old days kids had to work they could not go out and play and do stuff and especially women were not allowed to do stuff but men were. This caught my eye because kids don't usually work in Factories but this little girl is. 
2.I read the photographer went to factories to see take pictures of children being forced to work. Lewis Hine the photographer was part of the National Child Labor Committee and he said he was a bible seller and then hid taking and writing about how children were forced to work. 
3.they take 8,000 women and girls from ages like 12-35 and make them work. A lot of women protested and joined the American labor movement and did strikes and protestes. 

5. Lewis Hine was an American sociologist and photographer. He used his camera as a tool for social reform. His photographs helped in changing child labor laws in the United States.
name-Lewis Hine
Birth-September 26, 1874
death-November 3, 1940
born-Oshkosh, Wyoming
school-New York University

photo 5
1.I picked this image because I think this shows a massage and it looked interesting and it showed something important to people in history and they protect our country. This caught my eye because they were in the middle of the street and one man is in front of them blocking them.
2.there was a massacre that day and many people died and the Chinese troops attacked some pro-democracy demonstrators camped on the plaza. a man also with shopping bags goes in front of a tank refusing to move.
3.after the man stood up on the tank and started waving to them but he ended not getting hit and was not shot.he did not care about dying but thought hid statement was more important to hear. 
5.Jeff Widener is a photojournalists and he does lots of pictures of tragic events happing in the world and try to capture it in his photos and tell the story and what it represents.
 name-Jeff Widener
birth-August 11th 1956
born-Long beach California
school- Pierce College and Moorpark College

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