Monday, October 1, 2018

Extra Credit

First Website
1.On the first website there are a munch of pictures wild animals in nature in Africa. Nick Brandt is a very good photographer he does most of his work inAfrica because he wants to show all the animals and places that have been destroyed by men and how they live with that.


3.This is my favorite photo that Nick Brandt has taken because this shows how the animals are being effected by men destroying their land and the nature and a giraffe is watching them hurt their land and how they live. I chose this because it made me have emotion and how good we live and that we don't think about the animals which kinda have feelings too.

4.A merger is in this photo because there is a lot going on in this photo,  also rule of thirds because the giraffe is the main vocal point and it is on the side of the photo so your focus goes there.

5. he uses a three fixed-length lenses: a 55mm, a 105mm, and a 200mm. This is important because it means that he can get close to the vocal point with out actually being close which means he can zoom in. 
6.The reason for him to take the photos are he wants to show how the animals live and show their features.
7. He hopes for theses photos are so people can see what living there is really like and the environment and really up close to the animals. 
8.“I photograph these animals - that specific elephant or cheetah or lion that has drawn my eye - in the same way I would a human being, watching for the right pose that pose fully will best capture his or her spirit. This means getting close. (Although frustratingly, I can't ask the animals to take a small step to the left, or lift their head a little.) This means getting close. It's one reason why I don't use telephoto lenses. I like to frame the animals within the context of their world - the sky and the landscape - rather than within a telephoto blur or scrubby ground or brushes. Other times, I'm searching for a panoramic view that I hope will convey some semblance of the rare synchronized spectacle of animals, landscape and light that can unfold, if one is very fortunate and patient.”Nick Brandt
This quote is telling what their spirit is in the anima and getting close to it to see those features and really know what the animal is feeling and what it is doing and how it lives.

2nd website 
9.Nicks focal point of his photos are what was before where the animals lived but know their homes are being destroyed. 
10. His process how he does with his photos are he first sleets unpublished photos from this time period, he then sends then to California, then shipped to Kenya, then he constructed them into steel and a plywood frame and he then positioned them the way he wanted them too. 
11.The effect that his work has on other people are that the places animals live are dumps because of them because they once were beautiful but they were destroyed. 
12.these photos made me feel sad because they were once in trash and rubbish but then they turn into railroads and know they are dying because they don't have anywhere to live. 

Abandoned Theme Parks 
OKPO LAND, OKPO CITY, GEOJE ISLAND SOUTH KOREA.  because it one looks the most safest but it is also a theme park that has been abandoned and is also kinda scary but not as scary as the other ones. I also thing this place has many different things for different people like babies, kids, teens,adults, and even old people. Also there was a duck ride you would thing would be safe but ended killing 2 young girls. 

5. Wonderland (China)


5. I think it would be cool to shoot here because it looks a little bit creepy and I think there would be some cool places to shoot at and really show how it was abandoned. 

6. I feel like it I would need to bring food and snacks all my camera equipment and bring a safety belt and a harness because if I wanted to get a picture of a roller coaster up high or something else from above. Also I would bring closed toed shoes because if you step on something sharp you don't want to hurt your self and appropriate clothing. Also I would need to ask someone who owns the pale if I can go and shoot there and not trespass. 

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