Monday, October 29, 2018

ethics in fashion photography

 video 1. Some things that were fixed in photoshop was her neck was made longer, and thinner, also her ears were adjusted, her eyes became bigger and her eyebrows narrower. Her hair was also moved, her shoulders were also adjusted by moving them down. And also her lips were made bigger.

Video 2
2.In the video her skin tone was adjusted to be lighter, also her eyes to be bigger and eyebrows narrower, shoulders adjusted, her butt adjusted to make it not look so big, her hair adjusted, legs were made longer, boobs make smaller, neck longer, adjusted nose and lips, made stomach smaller, feet were made smaller. made pupils in eyes brighter . made her legs skinner. took out the wrinkles in the feet of the model on the bottom of the feet.

video 3
3.The model The stomach area was made smaller, chest was made bigger, skin tone was changed, fat taken off the whole body, her body looked orange, the bikini was pepperoni, the colors were not the same as after or before, she ended up being a pizza.

4. No, I don't think this is acceptable because your pretty much telling a person changing a person to how you want them to look not the way they look right know.
5.The only thing that would be ok is if the person in the photo says its ok to photo shop their body.
6.some changes that are ok are the skin tone and making someone look a little thinner, but things that are not ok changing a person who is really heavy to make them look super skinner because thats not who they are.
7. I think fashion photography is more focused on the people and how they look in the photo not on who they are and whats around the photo. I think photojournalism is more focused on the photo and that there is not much photoshop.
8.Each type of photography all want the best photo as can be before editing in photoshop, this affects it by that other photos are used more in photoshop than others.
9.I think you are showing this to us because you don't want us to go over board with photoshop and make something natural and not fake.
10.Guys aren't in it because they aren't worried about there body image they are only worried about sports, on the other hand girls are they only care about how they look and who is the skinniest.

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