Monday, November 5, 2018

magizines part 2

There are 4 types of magazine covers some of them are image based, illustration based, type based, concept based. Image based is usually one or few people on the cover looking at the camera usually smiling. There usually all celebrity magazine, or fashion magazine cover. Another one is illustration based are drawings as the magazine cover. this was originally magazine covers with drawings on the front not a photo printed on. These drawings today are used to present something funny or out of the ordinary, some magazines use illustrations as the cover of a magazine. Another one is type based, this one is rare to see on a magazine cover. Type based are cover pages which are usually to be striking or even shocking. There is something powerful in the way it looks or presents the words. The last one is concept based this can be a mix f all the ones I've been talking about. The concept based are understandable super quick and that is really hard to achieve to understand right away. The idea is something that makes you and the editor feel sad then it will make the audience feel that way to. A lot of theses methods don't happen very often but when they do it will be different from other magazines and maybe even better than other magazines. The relationship between the photos and the words on a magazine cover are it shows what is happening in the photo and helps explain and better understand the photo with the words, and the photo help with the words because you can take the words a different way than the words maybe in a better way and then the photo will help make you understand the words.

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