Friday, November 16, 2018

Website #3 The oldest living things in the world.

Something I learned was that was the oldest living things is a category that is defined by curiosity, humane character, and a fascination with deep time, and the courage of an explorer. Hans Ulrich Obrist said this. so the oldest living things can still be living and be beautiful. Things I looked at the website was all things in the world that are the oldest living things that are not humans and that are still there from day one. 
A.-I chose this pic because the green really caught my eye with all the rocks decaying and the green was forming over them. It looks like the green was a little green and then formed over a long period of time.
B.-some rules in this are balance because the rocks and the green thing, also there is simplicity.
C.-the person who took this was Rachel sussman.

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