Monday, January 7, 2019

Welcome back work


I liked this photo because its from a different perspective and is something that you don't see usually. Lava is really cool to and this is a tragedy or lava going over a greenery community, but also a really cool photo.

I really like this photo because it was during the Thanksgiving Day parade and the Silver Star Officers went there and performed in it and I watched them on the tv and it was really cool to see them and maybe I can sometime do that and perform on that.

I thought this photo was really cool. A fire retardant was dropped from the top of this hill and it looks like pink mist and is such a cool photo that is hard to capture and was caught at this time is really to get so it is unusual to get a photo of.


The songs in 2018

I really liked XXXTENTACION album because he had really good songs. zone o my favorites was Changes and it was in the 100 best songs in 2018. It was ranked 94. Personally I think that should've ranked higher. I didn't start listening to him after he died which is kinda sad but I didn't really know him until after he died and what his music was. He has all types of music not just rap, but contemporary, and like sad music and other things.

Best Movie in 2018

I think the best movie of 2018 was Searching this movie was really intense. This movie had so many plot twists and made me on the edge of my seat. I really enjoyed it and was ranked one of the best movies and defininally was of my favorites.

I think the most important news story of the year of 2018 was when Prince Harry and his wife Megan  got married and she started to be apart of the royal family. There wedding was a huge deal and everyone was watching it. There whole kingdom was there to watch them go to the church to get married. I think this was the biggest story because it was most well known and everyone knows who the royal family is.

Most important person in 2018

I think the queen is the most important person because she is a really important person and was one of the first to become the queen and rule the kingdom. She is 92 years old and is still so bright and still lives today and loves everyone. She is also important because she is the oldest queen living at 92 years old and that is a really big accomplishment.

My Holiday

1. One thing that I did over break that I would remember is doing something for my birthday with my friends. We went to the escape room and we did person break. we got to the third room and ran out of time so we didn't escape. It was really fun though and it was one if the hardest ones to escape and we did really well. After that we went to pizza an d hung out at my house and it was really fun and went in the pool/ hot tub and it was really warm. they slept over and we stayed up pretty late and watched movies and watched what happened to Monday and it was really good.

2. My resolutions for 2019 are, to be really organized, stay on top of school, improve dance skills and do really well in solo for competitions. Also to have a good year and have a first good year of being in high school. Also my biggest goal is making silver stars for the high school team.

3. Im looking forward to dancing at comps and trying out for silver stars.

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