Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Phobia Project

A. 1. An extreme or irrational fear of an aversion to something.

B. 2.
1. Pediophobia- Fear of dolls
2. Achluophobia- Fear of darkness
3. Amnesiphobia- Fear of amnesia
4. Isolophobia- Fear of being alone
5. Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia- Fear of choking of being smothered 
6. Thanatophobia or Thantophobia- Fear of death or dying 

C. 3. 
Pediophobia-I would take it up against a blank wall that is kinda gross and old and a picture of creepy dolls all together. Or have a person in a creepy dress holding a doll tilting her head and smiling creepy. 

Achluophobia-  a picture of some older person that is tall in a dark place that is really creepy. 

Chiraprophobia- someone that does not like being touched and having hands all over them in the photo.
Thanatophobia or Thantophobia- someone laying down on the ground with maybe blood on the concrete. 

Isolophobia- Fear of being alone. I would have someone in a room all alone or on a street with no one there . 

D. 4.- Some techniques I will use in my photo are probably for Pediophobia is simplicity and make sure the lighting was great with what I wanted in the picture like kinda darkened rustic. For Achluophobia I would do rule of thirds because I would want the photo to get the person in the photo but also see where they are but in the darkness, also having the lighting be good and have it be clear of what the phobia is and that you can see the person clearly. Chiratophobia I would need to get good lighting and have balance of the hands on each side and have the same amount and have the face see clearly and that the face is scared. Also I have 2 extra ones ones, For Thanatophobia or Thantophobia would need good lighting and the rule that I would use would be framing the body maybe have chalk around the body to frame it and it be at rule of thirds to show what happened on the side of the person. Also Isolophobia I would need good lighting and it to be clear that they are alone and the rule that I would use would be point of view maybe of the persons view or something else when I think of to take the picture but make the photo has good lighting and is clear. 

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