Monday, January 14, 2019

shutter bug

The website that I chose was Lens. I chose this one because it looked really interesting and I really like reading about current events going on and showing whats going on in the world. The intention of this website is to show what the lens in a camera shows than what the outside of the world looks like and whats going on and catch things that need to be known and to be helped. For example of what they used was" picture of the day: Kenya and elsewhere", this shows what is going on in Kenya and the picture that was on there of people that are struggling and needs to be known, but aren't being known and are not making it into the headlines. They write about what is going on in the world and daily updates to things that happened, but the lens part of it captures  in-depth photo essays on key issues from all over the world, uncovering stories that aren’t making into the headlines. I think people that look at this think that the lens are capturing what is going on in the world and that this needs to known but its not. I would add this website to my bookmarks because I would want to know what is going on and if anything I could do to help with it and getting it out there. I would recommend this website because it gives out stuff that should be mentioned and I think it gives how really good tips on how to use the lens and how capture those kinds of things in a lens. 

I would give this website a 4 out of 5 rating because it gave a lot of info but not much on camera techniques just on what is going on in the lens which is good but the part about getting more tips on how to capture it and use a lens properly and figuring it out. 
One photo that I really liked from this website was the one with the daughters and mother, their journey as migrants and what they went through. I think this photo really shows through the lens of what id gang on without showing all of it, and trying to get these things out there. This photo really brought out my emotion because we don't know everything there going through but enough to see through the lens that it is not good. I think these photos really show things through the lens and it is very clear what is going on without explaining it and thinking of something that relates to the pictures. I really liked this website and learning about lens. 

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