Monday, January 14, 2019

self portraits vs. Selfies

1. a selfie is someone taking a picture from a phone and taking a picture of them self.
2. A self portrait of the artist that takes all the pictures and takes it of him self.
3.Yes there is a difference because the selfie is the person taking it from there hand and it not very professional and a self portrait is very professional and its taken from a camera.
4. I prefer a self portrait because the camera is not so close and it is straight and is not at a weird angle and is very professional and shows all of your face clearly unlike selfies.
5. Self portraits are more important than selfies because they can/are send to professional environments and get into businesses.
The websites with the self portraits and selfies and is there a difference and I think YES. I think there is a difference between the two because it professional and the other is not. A selfie is pretty much taken right in time with no thought into it and its just a picture someone is taking on the spot. A self portrait is professional and is sent to people that have business and they put them with their resimay.
A self portrait shows more of your personality than a selfie and because you can see your whole face and it shows what you look like based on what you are wearing and how you look an d how you present your self. Selfies do not do that, they just show your face and mostly where you are thats why people take them. They usually take a picture to show a mountain or something else. I think these are two very different things and show different things.

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