Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO

Aperture F2.8

Aperture F16

1. We usually relate aperture to the eye of an human.
2.The smaller the aperture the less light in the photo, the higher aperture the more light is allowed in the photo.
3.Depth of Field is just the background us focus or out of focus.

Shutter speed
High Sutter speed

Low shutter speed
1. If I was at bull dogs and hot dogs and too pictures I would use faster shutter speed at the beginning when the sun is still up.
a.) Medium
b.) Medium
d.) fast
At the end of the night I would still use faster because it's dark outside but not inside.

Some settings about shutter speed are Shutter Priority mode, you choose the shutter speed and then it selects the aperture.Another setting is Manual Mose you choose both shutter speed and aperture manually. Also there are auto the shutter speed is selected by the camera without your input.


this was taken in ISO 200

This photo was taken in ISO 3200

1. Some advances of higher ISO is there is more light in your photo, also not to have motion blur.
2.To always use a low ISO at all times.
3.only use it to avoid motion blur.

DSLR camera
Shutter speed--1,1/60,1/4000

Monday, September 24, 2018

Great Black and White Photographers PART 3

1.) The color structure in this photo caught my eye when I was watching the photo being taken, and also the way how perfect the photo is composed like all the pepper and salt and how they added the lettuce ball.

2.)Some 5 senses that are in this picture are
-I see two spoons with different colored liquids in them one red and one yellow. I also see a ball of lettuce perfectly composed. I also see little pieces of salt and pepper and I also see a lemon all by its self.
-I smell all the food all together in a very interesting smell because they are all combined.
-I hear the the food posing and a click of a camera going off and the food is perfectly still.
-I taste  the juicy, salty lemon, the salt all spread around in little small groups, the lettuce all plain.
I feel the perfectness of the placement of the food and the photo how it explains so much I feel happy when I see something perfect and precise and nice and neat.

1.) There is actually color where I am watching this photo being taken but as you see the photo it is in black and white. But what caught my eye during this photo being taken is the two girls in the tutus and them surrounded by a munch of men in black and them in white, but there is also 2 other ladies in black. But because the girl in the tutus it makes them stand out very much not just because there girls but because they are in white. Also there is a bar/contraption around them and people sitting on it and it's very big and wide and doesn't fit in the photo the whole way or the room we were in taking the photo.
2.) Some 5 senses in this photo are
-I see a bunch of men in suits and black and 2 women in black also in black also in see a contraption in the back of everyone, I also see two ladies in tutus.
I smell the stinky shoes on the ballerinas feet in their ballet shoes. I also smell the rustiness of the contraption and how it smalls gross and rusty.
I hear the squeaking of the contraption and I hear then men getting tired of standing around for so long and the women telling them not to complain.
I taste the felt on the tutus and what the texture is, I also taste the rusticness of the contraption.
I feel the people in the photo are getting tired and have to be so stiff and I feel relieved that I'm not in the photo feeling that.

I think my photographer I chose was a good idea. Something I would want to create in the future is making stuff with food or doing a black and white photo shoot and doing something different nothing around the school like going somewhere else than the school.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Photo Shop Basics

Back of girls head

 Snake head after photo shop

Your mind in Tech Times 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Manipulation and Ethics

A1) Some main points on the website that If a person I being photographed then they change how the look in the final photo and change there body so make it look nicer or making some one thinner. Also in a picture if the picture was to dark or too light they would edit in photoshop. I think in some ways this is a good thing but in some ways it is not because one they can edit out stuff that isn't needed and if your to dark they can't see your face so they can edit that out. But also it is not good because I think  that people shouldn't edit there selfs because I would want people to like for what I look like not how they want me to look like.

B1) For some newspapers like Washington Post and New York times have certain rules they have to follow to final the photo. It said that they can't change the lighting of there photo.

C1) My opinion is I like photoshop because it can fix the lighting stuff and make the picture better by adjusting features in the photo. One thing I don't like about photoshop is because I don't like them changing the way you look because people should accept you for who you are and what you look like.

IN this photo I think this is photoshopped a lot because 1 the photo on the left the people in the photo took the photo, 2 her skin is much clearer in the photo to the right,3 the photo on the right looks more professional. Also there eyes are photoshopped and teeth are whiter on the guy.

There is not much a difference in these two photos only the lighting is different nothing really changed in her body features or the background.

Monday, September 17, 2018

- Academic Shoot reflection and critique

1. Some challenges I had during this shoot was it was hard trying to find interesting stuff with academics' following the composition rules. some people were also distracted by the camera and were moving and making it harder to shoot non-movement stuff.
2.When I was doing the photos I wasn't really thinking I was kinda just doing the photos and not thinking about the compositions and trying to take as many as I can.  I was trying to find places that look fun but are still learning and academic.
3.I would really focus on my photos and really make sure I get the compositions in them and make sure the angles are right and the photo is thought out.
4. Some things I would do the same are I went from different levels and I really liked the photos that I did do that on. Also going to classes I went to because their was interesting stuff that they were doing.
5.Simplicity because it's easy to get something simple or rule of thirds you just angle the camera a different position.
6.Framing I think will be the hardest for me trying to focus on something and nothing is around it.
7. Framing and merger are kinda of hard for me to understand because I don't know what I would use for those as pictures.

Peer review

2 positives things about Sadies pictures are
I really liked the last photo because it was from down low writing notes inside the door and I think that's cool how she captured that. Another photo that I liked was the one of the map because their were 2 maps one colored and one not and I think that's cool that she used one from not colored from one that is colored.

Something that she can improve on is the first picture the lighting because it's kinda blacken out the girl in the photo and should really focus on the girl and not the light shining in.

This represents Balance
The subject is the saying Your minds In Tech Times
It's the main purpose was technology because there are computers and it is saying that and it's very big and bold.

This represents Merger
The subject is the girl on the left because she kinda looks mad and you look at her first instead of the girl facing the back.
The subject isn't very clear because it's blurring her out a little bit I couldv'e focused on her more plus this was a merger and it was supposed to be busy in the back ground.

This is simplicity
The subject is the snakes face hiding in the mulch.
The subject is very clear because it is focusing on the snakes little hard peeking out and it's very simple looking.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Great black and white Photographers Part 2

Irving penn was an amazing photographer He was celebrated as one of the Vogue magazine's top photographers for more than 60 years. Penn was also a very private man who avoided limelight and did his work with dedication. At the time photography was a way of communication, and he approached it that way in his professional way and personal work.
Penn was born in 1917 in Plainfield New Jersey to immigrate parents, he attended the Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Arts from 1934-38 and studied with Alexey Brodovitch and their design labratory. Brodovitch taught him modern art and design through magazine, architecture, and photography. Penn went to New York as Brochovitchs assistant at Harpers Bazaar. Penn then went to Mexico in 1941 traveling to American south to take photos. Lisa Penn's wife died in 1992 and had really hard times going through it. In 2009 Penn died in New York at the age of 92. During Penn's lifetime he established the Irving Penn Foundation, which grew so much and who carry Penn's legacy.

These three were my favorites!

Great B and W Photographs part 1 and 2

Taken by William Klein

This was taken by Irving Penn

This was taken by Frederick Sommers

Friday, September 7, 2018

Academic shoot preview. 2012 winners

I chose this picture because I really thought it was cool because it was the paint going down into a garbage bag and the photo caught that. I think some rules of photography are balance with the girl pouring the paint and the paint. Also simplicity because it was really simple  like there's not a lot going on in the photo.

I liked this photo because I think it was cool from a different angle and it was black and white. There are some lines in this picture with the book shelves and the hallway with the kid in the middle of it. Also it's simplicity because it's simple and he's just reading. I like how some books were open and some were not and the angle was from up top and not center with the person but above.

I think some places I could go that I didn't think to go to is the library and shoot with books, or computers, or anything else.

Any classroom maybe different kinds of classrooms like dance class, or theatre class, or math class to get different perspectives on them and how they are different.

Some ways to get amazing photos are try from a different angle, or a different setting from the camera and go to places I haven't been and do something different I haven't one already in a picture.

Academic shoot preview

This tells a story because this boy is doing a girl manakins hair and he is smiling while he is doing it so it looks like he's enjoying it. It's telling that he is doing what he loves and is being himself, I think the story is telling to always be your self in what ever you do and not be ashamed of it.

This photo shows excitement and action and emotion through different scenes. The lady in the picture looks is playing her part so well because she has emotion into her acting. All the actors around her are also pouring their hearts out and the audience is reacting to the actors because they are putting so much into it. The actors are singing and it really looks like their having fun.

This photo I thing is very interesting because it was shot at the perfect time and it is in focus and it's super cool because fire sparks are coming out. Also it's blurry in the back of the picture so it's focusing on the fire and the girl. I think the frame is filled because its focusing on the fire and the girl not anything else in the frame.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Post Shoot Reflection

Post Shoot Reflection

1. Some challenges were trying to find places that match these prompts. Like for happy there isn't a happy face ready for a photo so I had to improvise so I used flowers which make people happy and me happy. Also trying to find something bowie was kinda hard because I wanted to make it cool to see that it was bowie high school but didn't want to give it away so I took a picot of a bull dog to represent bowie.

2. Some ways I tried to make my photos unique are holding the camera different ways, or going on a different setting, or blurring out the background and focusing on something. Like for focusing on a flower and blurring all the extra stuff out.

3. I changed the position of the camera or the setting of the camera to find the right angle for my composition to get the right picture and right photo.

4. Yes, I did have some compositions they were Framing, Rules of third, Simplicity, and lines.
For lines of used the hallway and the floor were lines leading forward, also the losers leading from one side of the photo, on the other side of the photo was windows leading from side to side and they were all leading forward. For framing I used these tall posts and they were all in a row and it looked like a square and it was framing a square into a square over and over again. Another one is rule of thirds. I did Bowie and did a picture of a bulldog and leaves were all around it. on one side was the bull dog and on the other was greenery leaves and it was focusing on the Bulldog. Last one I did was simplicity and this was a flower and it was just focusing on the flower and the background was plane and was not busy at all.

5.Yes, I really enjoyed doing that because that's something different that I don't usually do when I  take pictures so it was really fun.

6.  I think 3 prompts would be fun are doing season prompts trying to find winter, fall, summer, and spring.

Another one doing different sports and comparing them and see how different they are but they are all great. like swimming would be cool to get underwater.

One more I feel like would be great is to only have something simple with few supplies and take pictures with the because they could be something really cool but simple and different and people may not now that they were with simple objects but it was really cool.

Partner Review

I really liked Sadie's pictures they were really clear and really showed the prompt and the composition.

 Sadie didn't really have much time to do these pictures and I think she did really good with what time she had also I really like the last pic she had because it was focused and then it was blurry and I thought that was really cool.

Something she could improve in is really getting those pictures persise and maybe a little more detailed and I get she didn't get much time but if she did get more levels in your photos and different angles.

 This shows rules of third

 This shows Simplicity

 This shows Framing

This shows Lines