Friday, September 7, 2018

Academic shoot preview. 2012 winners

I chose this picture because I really thought it was cool because it was the paint going down into a garbage bag and the photo caught that. I think some rules of photography are balance with the girl pouring the paint and the paint. Also simplicity because it was really simple  like there's not a lot going on in the photo.

I liked this photo because I think it was cool from a different angle and it was black and white. There are some lines in this picture with the book shelves and the hallway with the kid in the middle of it. Also it's simplicity because it's simple and he's just reading. I like how some books were open and some were not and the angle was from up top and not center with the person but above.

I think some places I could go that I didn't think to go to is the library and shoot with books, or computers, or anything else.

Any classroom maybe different kinds of classrooms like dance class, or theatre class, or math class to get different perspectives on them and how they are different.

Some ways to get amazing photos are try from a different angle, or a different setting from the camera and go to places I haven't been and do something different I haven't one already in a picture.

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