Monday, September 24, 2018

Great Black and White Photographers PART 3

1.) The color structure in this photo caught my eye when I was watching the photo being taken, and also the way how perfect the photo is composed like all the pepper and salt and how they added the lettuce ball.

2.)Some 5 senses that are in this picture are
-I see two spoons with different colored liquids in them one red and one yellow. I also see a ball of lettuce perfectly composed. I also see little pieces of salt and pepper and I also see a lemon all by its self.
-I smell all the food all together in a very interesting smell because they are all combined.
-I hear the the food posing and a click of a camera going off and the food is perfectly still.
-I taste  the juicy, salty lemon, the salt all spread around in little small groups, the lettuce all plain.
I feel the perfectness of the placement of the food and the photo how it explains so much I feel happy when I see something perfect and precise and nice and neat.

1.) There is actually color where I am watching this photo being taken but as you see the photo it is in black and white. But what caught my eye during this photo being taken is the two girls in the tutus and them surrounded by a munch of men in black and them in white, but there is also 2 other ladies in black. But because the girl in the tutus it makes them stand out very much not just because there girls but because they are in white. Also there is a bar/contraption around them and people sitting on it and it's very big and wide and doesn't fit in the photo the whole way or the room we were in taking the photo.
2.) Some 5 senses in this photo are
-I see a bunch of men in suits and black and 2 women in black also in black also in see a contraption in the back of everyone, I also see two ladies in tutus.
I smell the stinky shoes on the ballerinas feet in their ballet shoes. I also smell the rustiness of the contraption and how it smalls gross and rusty.
I hear the squeaking of the contraption and I hear then men getting tired of standing around for so long and the women telling them not to complain.
I taste the felt on the tutus and what the texture is, I also taste the rusticness of the contraption.
I feel the people in the photo are getting tired and have to be so stiff and I feel relieved that I'm not in the photo feeling that.

I think my photographer I chose was a good idea. Something I would want to create in the future is making stuff with food or doing a black and white photo shoot and doing something different nothing around the school like going somewhere else than the school.

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