Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Final exam Extra Credit

1. A man was pushed by a panhandler trying to help him in front of the train and the train was just coming to get more people and the guy was trying to pull him self up but didn't have enough strength. The photographer was using his camera to alert the train with his flash hoping that they would stop but they didn't stop fast enough.
2.The photographer was trying to get the trains attention by flashing his camera but didn't get their attention and he ended snapping a picture of what was happening.
3. Yes and no. One no because he should've gone and helped him and he maybe would've survived. And Yes because he was trying to help with the flashing but it didn't.
4. No, because I think he could've helped him pull him self out instead of taking a picture and getting the trains attention because that is really hard to do.
5. Yes I do agree because it is good publicity and people need to know what happens on the subway and try to not let it happen again but I think he should've asked the family first before he pout it up to see if they were ok with it.
6.I think to a photographer it is important to capture these moments but as a person you should always help someone if its in danger especially if your just there to take a picture if there is no harm or death involved then I say go for it to take pictures but if there is then I would not take one.
7. I think a photographer should help anyone in danger or will not be safe after before they take out a camera they need to think first if its really necessary to take a picture.
8. A photojournalism should just take photos of what is happening in the situation. A photojournalism is not responsible for peoples actions they are just supposed to capture it.
9. I think the most important thing in response to this is that the photographer was wrong of this. I don't think the photographer should've took a picture of this and the case of this means someones life was taken which could've been solved if he had helped him. Also putting it up online was even worse because he is telling people that he saw it and didn't help very much to stop it.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Finals review

Finals review


Rhona was running a race for who can be the skinniest and be the fastest at it. She crossed the finish line but when she got there every one was gone.

Dave getting on a plane for Christmas to see family. He then realizes that he has no family and is lonely.

these little girls learning how to be proper and become a princess. They realize in their hearts they already were.

rule of thirds-The rule of thirds is a "rule of thumb" or guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as designs, films, paintings, and photographs
balancing elements-Balance is a compositional technique in photographythat juxtaposes images within a frame so that the objects are of equal visual weight. 
leading lines-lines that lead to the eye of the subject in the photo.
symmetry and patterns-both sides of the object are the same
viewpoint-the angle from the persons eye view
background-the background is clear and brings more focus.
create depth-creates more focus on the photo.
framing-something in the picture frames the subject.
cropping-the photo is a certain size you want it.
mergers and avoiding them-on object that takes away from the subject.

Aperture- aperture is the unit of measurement that defines the size of the opening in the lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the film or digital sensor. 
Shutter speed- The unit of measurement which determines how long shutter remains open as the picture is taken.
ISO-  ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.

4. Things that are acceptable is changing the photo completely and what the person looks like make it look not like them. Things that they can change are just the little things like covering up something little or fixing the quality of the photo. 

5. portraits
environmental- showing what the subject does and the use of environment they are in.
self portrait- a portrait taking the photographer itself.  
casual- someone dong something that they did not suspect a photo being taken. 

6. photographic terms 
Exposure-amount of light per unit square how much light in the photo.
Depth of field-The distance the subject is within and where the objects in the photo become sharp.
Focus Length-depends on what kind of lends your camera has.

7. Magazine
Married to type- 
forest of words-

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Self portraits and portraits

1st portrait

 2nd portrait

1st self portrait

2nd portrait

Friday, November 16, 2018

Website #4 6 Types of Photos Every Photographer Should Know How to Make

Something I learned with this was that this is an optical illusion. the girl is way back from the camera  and another person is super close to the camera pretending that she is holding the cup and drinking it. This website was different techniques to use with a camera like the optical illusion  to show something like this picture but there not actually doing it.
A.- I chose this photo because I thought it was cool that the cup was bigger than her and she was pretending that she was drinking it. There were a lot of other ones but this one was super cool and very interesting.
B.-This photo is rule of thirds.
C.-Jeff Meyer took this photo.

Website #3 The oldest living things in the world.

Something I learned was that was the oldest living things is a category that is defined by curiosity, humane character, and a fascination with deep time, and the courage of an explorer. Hans Ulrich Obrist said this. so the oldest living things can still be living and be beautiful. Things I looked at the website was all things in the world that are the oldest living things that are not humans and that are still there from day one. 
A.-I chose this pic because the green really caught my eye with all the rocks decaying and the green was forming over them. It looks like the green was a little green and then formed over a long period of time.
B.-some rules in this are balance because the rocks and the green thing, also there is simplicity.
C.-the person who took this was Rachel sussman.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

2nd website 10 photography resolutions for the New Year
This is the second website and it was the 10 photography resolutions for the New Year. Some thing I learned was to ry to find new things to photograph and really think bout a simple thing and what it could be could be amazing and its so simple.

A.- I chose this picture because I think it was so cute how a cute little dog could be so impactful. The article I read was about charity for dogs and this little dog in the cold. one person in the world can help so many puppies by awareness and helping with puppies get adopted and I think this photo helped a lot.
B.- Some rules I saw were rule of things, and also balance.
C.-  The person who took this photo was Jenna Martin

1st website spiral staircase
This is the 1st website and it was the spiral stair case website. Something I learned was to look at something at a different angle and you can find something so cool.

A.-I picked this photo because I looked very cool and the colors meshed really well together. They also had cool designs on the stairs and the stairs were circular and went really far down and was really big at first and then got smaller as you went down.
B.- Some rules that are in this photo are leading lines down the stair case. There is also simplicity.
C.- Christian Richer took these photos and this photo

Prompt shoot #3

Pose photo

Footprints photo

Pause photo

Yummy Photo

Monday, November 5, 2018

magizines part 2

There are 4 types of magazine covers some of them are image based, illustration based, type based, concept based. Image based is usually one or few people on the cover looking at the camera usually smiling. There usually all celebrity magazine, or fashion magazine cover. Another one is illustration based are drawings as the magazine cover. this was originally magazine covers with drawings on the front not a photo printed on. These drawings today are used to present something funny or out of the ordinary, some magazines use illustrations as the cover of a magazine. Another one is type based, this one is rare to see on a magazine cover. Type based are cover pages which are usually to be striking or even shocking. There is something powerful in the way it looks or presents the words. The last one is concept based this can be a mix f all the ones I've been talking about. The concept based are understandable super quick and that is really hard to achieve to understand right away. The idea is something that makes you and the editor feel sad then it will make the audience feel that way to. A lot of theses methods don't happen very often but when they do it will be different from other magazines and maybe even better than other magazines. The relationship between the photos and the words on a magazine cover are it shows what is happening in the photo and helps explain and better understand the photo with the words, and the photo help with the words because you can take the words a different way than the words maybe in a better way and then the photo will help make you understand the words.


This is Selena Gomez and this portrait is formal. Formal is someone looking at the camera and is meant to look at the camera. This magazine cover is here to promote the women of the year and people to participate in women of the year or vote for women of the year. Selena Gomez was women of the year in 2017. It also trying to promote bill board the company which helps singers get famous and puts them out there. The magazine cover is very pretty and compliments Selena Gomez really well but some things I think they could work on are maybe make the lighting in the photo brighter because it is a little darker outside. Also another thing you could do is Gomez looks a little blurry so make her look a little clearer.

Best covers

1. Formal
2. formal

8. environmental




Magizines Tip

1. A screen that does not give away the actual cover and what it looks like.
2.Print out all the alternates as hard copy trim them accurately to magazine size and glue them into old issues.
3.Never trim a printout, mount it beautifully and display it with its alternates on the finely polished surface of the conference room table. 
4.If it is invisible like wallpaper, decide what element is worthy of becoming dominant. 
5. If the cover pops out from its background, don’t weaken it by fussing with it. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Self Portrait and portrait Intro

2.Using techniques like slow synch flash can create an impressive wow factor.
3.getting closer to the subject

Environmental portrait 
I chose this photo because I really liked how natural it was. Its look so positive and so colorful. I picked this photo because the lady look so sweet and pouse and she looks super happy at what she is doing. 
I chose this photo because this guy looks like he does not have a lot of money and his dog is his only family but it looks like thats all he needs. in the background it is kinda dirty but both him and his dog are smiling and look happy know matter where they are. I chose this because they looked happy besides the area they are living in. 

self portrait
I chose this photo because it is not like a regular self portrait it has some color to it also some patterns. Thats why it caught my eye because its not like the others its different in a good way of doing it. 
I chose this photo because it is very plain, but very artistic in a good way. I really liked the detail in the photo and its different because it is plain and it does not have color but it gives color if you imagine it.

Causal Portrait
I chose this photo because it was at a different angle and was low from the ground but could still see the girls whole body. I also liked the lighting in the back is very good and I feel like her eyes pop a lot more with the back ground blurry. 
I chose this picture because this guy has two different kind of eyes and I think that is pretty cool to have and shoot as a photographer because that could be a really cool photo and a good story. I liked this photo because the background does at have much and you really focus on the person in the story and really look the photo.

If we were taking this shoot at school I would shoot near the flowers and I would be looking at the flowers, or smelling them.Or a portrait of me with a flower in their hair. I will make sure that the lighting is good and that there are different angles in the photo. I would shoot with things around me in the environment,  that are around in my area of where I am. I feel like this would define the me as Zen or peaceful and happy to be around the flowers. Also something that would be the total opposite of that would be maybe fighting off a bee and swerving my arms everywhere. to make this picture good I would put it on shutter speed to make it clear. Also something I would do is take a picture of me leaping in the air and the would be on shutter speed and I would be around leafs or something, or a plain back ground of some sort. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

American Soldier

A. the most powerful image I think was this one because this is showing them practicing for war and how they adapt to explosions and what they would do. This I think is powerful because a lot of people die in war because of explosions and I think its horrible and we need to stand behind those people in war and help them with food and supplies so they can focus on training for war.

B.The images work together by telling a story of what a soldier goes through in war. Like missing their family and can't talk, but only with notes and training with explosions and figuring out how to survive them. Also how much way they travel to get to war and then fighting. They must get tired and need food also and supplies on the way and thats hard to carry.

C.The captions are kinda showing what they are going to talk about. Also all the pictures are in order and show the preparing to go to war, saying goodbye, meeting new people, starting to train, walking for days, starting to fight. All those things are like the captions because they are showing the picture and the caption and makes so many more details to the story including the caption, photo, and writing.
D. The story of Ian Fisher is he first signed up for way to serve his country and help the people and fight for his country. The army changed Ians life forever he was risking his life to fight for other people and the country. He had to say goodbye to everyone he loved just in case he would not survive  the war and it was hard for him t do that at age 17 he joined the war. He then graduated school with a diploma and if he didn't have his diploma he would not have been able to join the army. He then said goodbye to his family and friends by having 2 parties one with his family with ice cream and cake and the other with his friends and girlfriend and they had beer and it was like a regular teenage party(crazy). He then took an oath of enlistment and they he serves all his duty to the army and no going back and helping hid country. He then was at camp and the sergeant was very stern with them though he had to be. The 200 recruiting people are given 2 minutes to sort through pile of duffel bags to find their own. They repeated this for the next hour until everyone found their bag. Fisher was really overwhelmed with this and we hurt his elbow and it hurt really bad but he had to go through it to go to base training. One guy Fishers bunkmate was getting them in trouble at base camp so they ad a talk with him and Fisher was being super nice to him even though he didn't care about Fisher. The first time Fisher held a weapon he was very excited and made pretend of making fire sounds. They training and learning how to fight in war. They practiced with explosions and how to survive them and what to do. The sergeant took an interest in Fisher and was tease him sometimes and encourage him while they were walking and getting tired. A long time has past and they are tired and Fisher is praying that god takes this stuff off his back. After this they are done with training camp and are getting a ceremony for completing it and are ready to start fighting in the war. They end up having a practice war to make sure their ready to fight and that they are not going to hurt themselves and they are ready. They also had to do a 10 mile walk with carrying a 65 pounds on their back. After training for a while he goes home to his girlfriend and he wants to marry her so they pick out a engagement ring. At his base camp and he has been starting to fight he has been injured a lot so he hasn't been able to fight as much as he wants to. He ends up going home and breaks up with his girlfriend and starts taking medication to so many injuries he has had and his dad is concerned. Fishers base is so close to home so he comes home every weekend but his dad says he should just stay there for a while and needs to get away from home and focus on the war. Fisher got in trouble for not reporting to his base back in time in last march so he was punished and he can't fight right know. Fisher is sometimes at home with his friends and family and them at one point at the army and he doesn't feel like he fits in either way and is trying to decide what he wants. After this he goes into many fights and then goes home years later with his fiane Deven and they got their marriage license and got married hours later.

E. The pictures are in present tense because they are all happening now.

F.Break down the captions
1.There are about 2 sentences as a average maybe once there are about 3 in some captions.
2.They provide what is happening in the photo and what time it was about or summarize of what the story of that caption is about.
3.The 2 sentence provides background information in the photo.
4.Some of them do have third ones and they are usually quotes.
5.Yes some of them do with 3 sentences.
6.Only the top of the article has one.

G. It is like a little summary and you can make a story with just looking at pictures and having the captions with them is even better because it helps with telling a story.
H. The photos and captions show a story of its own and helps a lot without the story being told with a long paragraph.

Monday, October 29, 2018

ethics in fashion photography

 video 1. Some things that were fixed in photoshop was her neck was made longer, and thinner, also her ears were adjusted, her eyes became bigger and her eyebrows narrower. Her hair was also moved, her shoulders were also adjusted by moving them down. And also her lips were made bigger.

Video 2
2.In the video her skin tone was adjusted to be lighter, also her eyes to be bigger and eyebrows narrower, shoulders adjusted, her butt adjusted to make it not look so big, her hair adjusted, legs were made longer, boobs make smaller, neck longer, adjusted nose and lips, made stomach smaller, feet were made smaller. made pupils in eyes brighter . made her legs skinner. took out the wrinkles in the feet of the model on the bottom of the feet.

video 3
3.The model The stomach area was made smaller, chest was made bigger, skin tone was changed, fat taken off the whole body, her body looked orange, the bikini was pepperoni, the colors were not the same as after or before, she ended up being a pizza.

4. No, I don't think this is acceptable because your pretty much telling a person changing a person to how you want them to look not the way they look right know.
5.The only thing that would be ok is if the person in the photo says its ok to photo shop their body.
6.some changes that are ok are the skin tone and making someone look a little thinner, but things that are not ok changing a person who is really heavy to make them look super skinner because thats not who they are.
7. I think fashion photography is more focused on the people and how they look in the photo not on who they are and whats around the photo. I think photojournalism is more focused on the photo and that there is not much photoshop.
8.Each type of photography all want the best photo as can be before editing in photoshop, this affects it by that other photos are used more in photoshop than others.
9.I think you are showing this to us because you don't want us to go over board with photoshop and make something natural and not fake.
10.Guys aren't in it because they aren't worried about there body image they are only worried about sports, on the other hand girls are they only care about how they look and who is the skinniest.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Funny captions

beatrice was waiting in line for black Friday. she looked so excited she had to go to the out of control area.

grayed haired Joe has been drinking coffee for three days and is unable to keep his eyes closed.
this is due to the fact because his wife and kids left him for a better life in America.

billy was eating so much at the bus station he fell asleep from eating so much. his teeth started falling out from all the sugar in his mouth.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Composition II

rule of thirds

balancing elements

leading lines
symmetry and patterns

view point



avoid mergers